Say No to Tension, Say No to Hypertension

Say No to Tension, Say No to Hypertension

Hypertension is when blood flows through your blood vessels with more pressure than is normally required. Every year, on May 17, we celebrate World Hypertension Day to create awareness about hypertension. In this fast-paced world, the majority of people suffering from hypertension do not even know if they have high blood pressure.

What is normal BP?

Systolic BP >140 mm Hg (upper level) and diastolic BP (lower level) > 90 mm Hg on repeated occasions may indicate high BP

What symptoms can suggest high BP?

Headache, giddiness, chest pain, palpitations, fatigue, nausea or vomiting, breathlessness, or no symptoms at all

What problems can occurif my BP is not controlled properly?

Uncontrolled BP can lead to a heart attack, heart failure, paralysis, kidney failure, blindness, etc. in the long term. These complications are completely preventable if BP is strictly controlled.

Am I at high risk of hypertension?

Old age, family history, sedentary life, obesity, an unhealthy diet, diabetes, kidney disease, stress, sleep apnea, and certain medicines can predispose to hypertension.

What should I do if I have high BP?

  • Consult your doctor and take your drugs regularly
  • Eat less salt< 5 gm per day (avoid processed foods, pickles, papad, table salt, chutney, etc.)
  • Exercise regularly at least 30 minutes per day (jogging, swimming, gardening etc.) and avoid a sedentary life
  • Don’t consume tobacco, alcohol and avoid stress
  • Eat lots of fruits and vegetables in your daily diet.
  • Measure your BP at home regularly and lose weight if you are obese.

The Theme of the year 2023 is ‘measure your blood pressure accurately, control it, live longer

Be healthy and stay healthy.